From the Richmond Sentinel, 9/27/1864, p. 1

GARROTTING CASE. - On Sunday night, between eight and nine o’clock, as Mr. Thos. H. Hewett, orderly sergeant of the Blues, was coming into the city from Mr. Thos. Ruskell’s, he was attacked near the Old Fair Grounds, at the head of Main street, by three soldiers, and robbed of what money they had, badly beaten and shot through the arm. It is feared that he will loose his arm from the wound, the bone being badly shattered. When the robbers first attacked him one of them threw a blanket over his head and pulled it tight around his neck. Mr. Hewett being an athletic man and one not inclined to submit kindly to this sort of treatment, made desperate fight and the robbers found it necessary to their safety to disable him. The robbers are believed to be “hospital rats” from Camp Winder, fellows who have been malingering and lying up snugly since the war.


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