From the Richmond Sentinel, 6/18/63

RICHMOND, VA., JUNE 13, 1863.

FCAMP WINDER HOSPITAL, FIRST DIVISION – The officers and attendants of this division having held a meeting for the purpose of organizing a Library Association for the benefit of the sick and wounded of this hospital believing that such an organization would be highly beneficial to the suffering soldiers in their charge, passed the following resolution:

1. Resolved, That the President of this meeting have published in the different newspapers of this city, requesting the friends of the sick and wounded soldiers to read books, both religious and literary, to facilitate us in said object, hoping that all friends desiring to do so will forward to the librarian the numerous valuable books laying waste about their houses.

2. Resolved, That our sincere thanks shall be returned to all those who shall have manifested such an interest in the promotion of our cause, feeling confident that, through our patriotic ladies, our library will be filled.

3. Resolved, That persons wishing to contribute books, magazines, pamphlets, tracts, papers or reading matter of any description, will please address either of the following officers:
J. G. DUDLY, M. D., Surgeon in charge, Hon President; HORACE NELSON, M. D., President; G. S. SEYMORE, D. C. S., Vice President; LUKE L. NEW, Librarian; W. C. RICHARDSON, Secretary.

Page last updated on 07/16/2008