From the Richmond Examiner, 5/19/1864

THE PRISONERS OF WAR IN RICHMOND were augmented in number yesterday by the arrival of squads from General Lee's army, Gordonsville, Drewry's Bluff, and other points, amounting to about fifty or sixty privates in all, but no officers. Two Assistant Surgeons - R. W. Brady and C. F. Lower - and Hospital Steward J. W. Hughes were received from the Bluff, and at once assigned to duty at the hospital for Yankee wounded, No. 21. John Moore, musician, Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, and Lewis Kober, bugler, Fifth Pennsylvania, were received with their instruments. The whole number of prisoners taken in the fighting on the southside up to yesterday, and landed in Richmond, was about thirteen hundred, with forty officers. General Lee's prisoners are not coming to Richmond.

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