Richmond Dispatch, 7/1/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/1/1862, p. 1, c. 2


There arrived at the Confederate States Military Prison on Sunday, June 29th, two hundred and seventy-one Yankee prisoners of war, including the following officers, viz:

Major D. Davidson, 4th U. S. infantry.
James Markson, 2d Lieutenant company K, 73d New York.
Surgeon M. Grimes, (Major,) 2d N. York, Sickles's Excelsior Brigade.
1st Lieut. A. M. Judson, company E. 83d Penn'a.
2d Lieut. Geo. I. Brown, company B, 2d Maine.
John J. McGowan, Surgeon, (Major,) 2d N. York, Sickles's Excelsior Brigade.
Capt. John M. Oakley, company A, 1st U. S. volunteers.
2d Lieut. J. A. Cozno, company F, 1st U. S. volunteers.
Major Wm. Birnen, 4th New Jersey regiment.

Some half dozen of the wounded prisoners died on Sunday night, including Julius A. Smith, 2d Lieutenant 61st Pennsylvania, and a number deceased yesterday. Up to Sunday night about 2,100 Yankees had been received here, and lodged as comfortably as circumstances would permit.

The following Yankee officers arrived yesterday:

Second Lieut. G. Washburne, company C, 22d Massachusetts.
First Lieut. James M. Welch, company K, 42d Pennsylvania.
Second Lieut. D. C. Dale, company K, 42d Pennsylvania.
First Lieut. S. H. Pillsbury, company B, 5th Maine.
Captain E. A. Irwin company K, 42d Pennsylvania.
Captain C. L. Conner, company D, 8th Pennsylvania.
Second Lieut, S. F. Hard, company E, 5th New Hampshire.
Second Lieut. L. J. Hume, company K, 19th Massachusetts.
Col. Wm. R. Brewster, 4th. Reg't Sickles's Excelsior Brigade.
J. B. O'Hagan, Chaplain, 4th Reg't Sickles's Excelsior Brigade.
Captain M. W. Burns, company A, 4th Regiment Sickles's Excelsior Brigade.

Also, a lot of Yankee negroes and 600 white men of the same sort.

Page last updated on 01/15/2008