General Hospital #18

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 :: General Hospital #18 ::
Information about General Hospital #18 in Richmond, VA during the Civil War.

Also called: Greaner’s  Hospital, Greanor’s Factory Hospital. Formerly tobacco factory of John H. Greaner (not to be confused with his father William’s factory at 19th and Cary Streets). Built in 1853. John H. Greaner was long a member of the Richmond City Council and a distinguished soldier in the Confederate army. Although the name was legally spelled Greaner, the family often used Greanor. Opened in Spring 1861. On 25 September 1861 it listed 260 patients. Turned into Confederate shoe factory 2 June 1864 with 300 employees. Location: eastside of 22nd Street, between Main and Franklin Streets at 9 North 22nd Street. (from Confederate Military Hospitals in Richmond by Robert W. Wait, Jr., Official Publication #22 Richmond Civil War Centennial committee, Richmond, Virginia 1964.)

RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 151, p. 24 9/1862 - 6/1863; Statistics of General Hospital #18 - hospital closed after June, 1863

Written Accounts

Richmond Enquirer 10/12/1861; Greanor's factory (future GH#18) has become a hospital, and is at present the "best supplied"
Richmond Dispatch 10/17/1861; J. H. Greanor's slave George attacks Dr. Wellford's slave Phebe with an axe, in the bottom near the Central depot
Richmond Dispatch 10/18/1861; details on case of axe-wielding slave of Capt. John H. Greanor
Richmond Dispatch 10/25/1861; slaves of John Greanor and John Minor Botts are acquitted of stealing from a sick soldier
Summary of William Liggan file, M346, National Archives 4/30/1862; carpentry done to Greanor Hospital
Richmond Dispatch 5/23/1862; Samuel Fisher is Surgeon in Charge, Greanor’s Hosp.
Richmond Enquirer 6/10/1862; casualty list from Seven Pines, listing the hospitals where wounded were taken. Greanor's Hospital has 6 wounded.
Richmond Dispatch 7/15/1862; 10 gallons of milk are needed daily at Greanor Hospital (GH#18)
National Archives, RG 109, Ch. IV 8/1/1862; order from F. Sorrel, re-designating existing hospitals into Gen. Hosps. with numbers.
Ledger of Confederate Hospital Practice no date; Rules and Regulations for General Hospital #18
Summary of William Liggan file, M346, National Archives 8/6/1862; small carpentry done to General Hospital #18
Richmond Dispatch 8/28/1862; runaway slave notice, Surg. Saml. B. Fisher, GH#18
Richmond Dispatch 8/29/1862; patients of GH#18 at private quarters have ten days to report
Richmond Enquirer 9/30/1862; tabular report of sick & wounded soldiers in the Hospitals in Richmond
Library of Congress 10/6/1862; reports on the capacities of Richmond Hospitals and empty beds
Library of Congress 10/16/1862; reports on the capacities of Richmond Hospitals, empty beds, and Patients in them
Richmond Enquirer 10/22/1862; information wanted on a Phillips' Legion soldier who left General Hospital #18
Library of Congress 11/1/1862; reports on the capacities of Richmond Hospitals, empty beds, and Patients in them
Richmond Dispatch 11/1/1862; Dr. Hancock jails free negro for trespassing at hospital
Richmond Dispatch 11/3/1862; Dr. Hancock, GH#18, has 2 colored folks in court for operating unlicensed cookshop beside hospital.
Richmond Dispatch 11/6/1862; 2 negroes arrested for fighting in street in front of GH#18
Richmond Dispatch 11/7/1862; drunk negroes in front of GH#18 (see above) whipped and jailed
Richmond Enquirer 11/7/1862; negroes arrested in front of GH#18
Richmond Dispatch 11/8/1862; 7 new prisoners at Castle Thunder, including 2nd SC man from GH#18 for misdemeanor, and a soldier recognized as a crewman of CSS Patrick Henry
William A. Carrington CSR (M331) (no. 48) 11/11/1862; Inspection report, General Hospital #18.
Richmond Dispatch 11/14/1862; F. W. Hancock, Surgeon in charge at GH#18, thanks Newton ladies
RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 151, p. 24 9/1862 - 6/1863; Statistics of General Hospital #18 - hospital closed after June, 1863

In the National Archives:

Record Group 109, (ch. VI, vol. 414 1/2 [part]). 1/2 in. Letters, Orders, and Circulars Issued and Received; Lists of Deaths; and Lists of Patients Treated in Private Quarters, General Hospital No. 18. 1862-63. Part of 1 vol. Copies of letters, orders, and circulars issued by the Surgeon-in-Charge at the hospital and by the Surgeon General's Office and the Medical Director's Office at Richmond, 1862-63; lists of deaths showing name, rank, organization, cause of death, and money or possession left, 1862; and lists of patients in private quarters showing date, name, rank, organization, and remarks. Arranged chronologically under the above subjects. This hospital was formerly known as Greaner's Hospital. Other entries in this volume relate to Jackson Hospital at Richmond, and are described with other records of that hospital.
Record Group 109, (ch. VI, vols. 217, 217 1/2). 2 in. Registers of Patients, General Hospital No. 18. 1861-63. 2 vols. Show patient's name, rank, and organization; date of admittance; disease; disposition of case; and remarks. Entries are arranged by date of admittance.
Record Group 109, (ch. VI, vol. 250). 1 in. Morning Reports, General Hospital No. 18. 1862-63. 1 vol. Daily statistical reports showing number of patients in hospital, in private quarters, received, transferred, furloughed, discharged, deserted, died, and remaining; and number of medical officers and attendants present for duty. Entries are arranged chronologically and thereunder by State of patient's organization.
Record Group 109, (ch. VI, vol. 711). 2 in. Morning Reports of Patients and Attendants, General Hospitals No. 1-4, 7-8, 12-20, 22-23, and 25-27. 1862-65. 1 vol. Daily reports showing the number of patients in hospital, in private quarters, received, returned to duty, transferred, furloughed, deserted, discharged, died, and remaining; the number of medical officers, stewards, nurses, cooks, and laundresses present for duty; and remarks. Arranged by hospital number, thereunder chronologically, and thereunder by State of patient's organization. The dates given are inclusive; not all hospitals have reports for all dates.

Page last updated on 05/23/2008