Carrington, Meat Delivery

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From William A. Carrington CSR (M331): Orders on meat delivery to hosps., especially General Hospital #4, dated 11/15/1862.

Richmond, November 15th, 1862

Surgeon E. S. Gaillard, Medical Director,
                                                    I have the honour to report in regard to the complaint of Surgeon Read, Genl Hosl No. 4, as to the delivery of meat, that it is plainly proved that the amount due was not delivered - The point of delivery of the meat is most inconvenient for most of the Hospitals, being high up on Broad St. I would request that some location more convenient to the Hospitals in the lower part of the city be selected for distribution by the commissary in which case  many of the Hospitals could receive their meat after seeing it weighed by the commissary's Sergeant. The present point of distribution could be used for those Hospitals now conveniently accessible to it.

As the Q.M. has charge of transportation in all cases where the agent of the Hospital does not directly receive the supplies from the Commissary - the Q.M. of this post should in all such cases through an agent give receipts for the No. of lbs. to be transported & receive receipts from the agent of this Hospital when delivered. Such a system of checks is absolutely necessary & is simple & altogether practicable. The Q.M.'s agent could carry proper scales & weigh the portion of each Hospital when delivered.

This is the only system that will prevent fraud & carelessness. Proper receipts should at once be prepared such as are used in transportation, delivery, & receipt of other supplies.

I respectfully beg leave to return the papers referred to with this report.

                                                Very Respectfully,
                                                    Your Obedient Servant,
                                                        Wm. A. Carrington
                                                            Surgeon & Inspector of Hospitals


Page last updated on 06/14/2008